Our client is a leading provider of telecom solutions to world class enterprises and federal agencies. They offer a wide range of devices and services from telecom infrastructure planning to consolidated billing to transparent cloud-based management capabilities. They specialize in managed and customized communications solutions which form the digital foundation for their end customers.
Customer’s aim was of two folds:
a) On receipt of a new order from an agent, automate the manual process of creating back-to back provisioning orders on the service providing carrier companies such as Time Warner, Comcast, AT&T etc.,
b) Automate the manual process of checking the order status on the service provider’s application and update that status on the customer’s front-end application so that
agents can track the status.
Standard integration mechanisms such as web services were not feasible as the service providers either did not expose suitable APIs for the intended business function or there were daily limit constraints. Besides standard formats of data, the solution needed to be capable of processing data embedded in emails and web pages.
Congruent designed a solution using Robotic Process Automation and chose UiPath as the appropriate platform.
Current Business Flow & Pain Points
1. Create new order – whenever a new agent order email is received, the bot will process the information in email, log into the appropriate service provider’s application and create the provisioning order.
2. Cancel agent order – Based on email trigger, the respective service provider’s order will be cancelled.
3. Update Order details – Using scanned order information, the software bot will connect to the specific vendor portal, retrieve the order progress details including attachments and update the same on customer’s database.
4. Perform Poll Modem Scan – the RPA system enters the vendor’s poll modem page, checks the status of polling, captures the status information against each connection request and updates the same in the customer’s application.
5. Scrape New Products Details – the RPA system crawls and retrieves the new products information from vendor’s application portal and updates the same on the customer’s application, to facilitate order placement for new product launches.
6. When an enquiry dropped by distributors through email, resources must check & resolve it immediately. Now there we ought to induce a touch of automation to automatically validate & process the enquiry by retrieving the data from email.
Some highlights of the solution design are:
1. The solution was built to enable parallel execution of Robots to achieve the maximum possible performance.
2. The solution is designed with appropriate error detection and fault tolerance. In case of failures, the bots are designed to retry until success.
Elimination of all manual efforts in creation of new orders and tracking of order status.
Due to instant order creation on vendor applications and instant status updates, customer was able to eliminate wait times and improve coordination with vendors – leading to more than 50% reduction in order fulfilment duration.
100% consistency and accuracy achieved due to automation of the complete business process
As a global pharmaceutical leader, the imperative is to ensure patient safety through meticulous adverse event reporting — a regulatory requirement to monitor products’ safety post-market. Historically, manual processes hampered the client’s ability to rapidly and accurately report adverse events, leading to inefficiencies and data inaccuracies.
vSaaS Global partnered with the client team to integrate Smartsheet and AI technologies to transform their reporting system, yielding:
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In a strategic move to elevate project delivery efficiency, a large IT PMO organization partnered with vSaaS. Faced with sluggish project timelines and inflated costs, the challenge was to harness technology for streamlined operations. vSaaS implemented Smartsheet, integrating it with JIRA and ServiceNow via API connectors. This fusion not only synchronized project management tasks but also enhanced real-time data exchange, achieving unparalleled workflow efficiency.
Key Outcomes:
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Global PetroChem struggled with a cumbersome new product introduction (NPI) process, with extensive paperwork, siloed communication, and disjointed teams leading to delays and stifled innovation. Partnering with vSaaS, they implemented a digital Smartsheet platform for centralization, automated workflows, collaborative dashboards, and API integration, accompanied by robust change management.
Key Outcomes:
Innovation Unleashed: Focus shifted from bureaucracy to product development innovation.
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