Modernization of Quotes Generation Application


The customer is a New York based telecom company offering data, network, cloud, and mobile IT solutions for large scale businesses. Customer was using a home grown based solution for arriving at quotations for quotes POTS system requirements and generating a proposal thereof. 


Resources were not available to support the old technology. As a result, there were functional bugs and workflow limitations. User interface and business functionality were out-dated. The interface was not intuitive enough for new agents and there were usage issues with modern browsers. The goal was to modernize the application and also enhance its functionality, from technical perspective such asSSO, integration with Salesforce and also from business aspects. 

Key challenges

• It was not possible to have a shutdown time for the old application and transfer the data
to new application.
• There was no documentation about business rules built into current application and there
were very limited people who could explain the system completely


Congruent re-architected the system with a fresh, contemporary UI and clear separation of application layers. All Current functionality were built-in and enhanced with features such as dashboards and approval workflows. New features such as comparison quote were added. The application was integrated with Salesforce and the customer’s identity management system. In Phase 1, the database was untouched to minimize the risk of data loss and the new application worked on top of current database.  

Technology Used

Angular 6, Angular Material, .Net Core for Web API, Dapper framework for micro ORM and C# 

Indicative Screenshot